About Us

Our History

PeakCare Queensland was established in 1999 having evolved from the Child and Family Welfare Association of Queensland and prior to that, the Board of Governing Authorities for residential care.

The shift to PeakCare Queensland occurred in response to a growing awareness of not only other forms of out-of-home care being provided by non-government organisations for children and young people, but also the increasing range of child, youth and family support services that were seen as integral to an effective child protection system. The providers of these services also wished to have their voices properly represented and heard.

In 2014, PeakCare was registered as a charity by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission.

Our Present

Staying true to the original intentions of providing an independent and impartial voice able to represent and promote matters of interest to the non-government sector, PeakCare remains a not-for-profit organisation with a Membership base consisting of non-government organisations involved in the delivery of child protection, out-of-home care and related services. A network of Associate Members made up of individuals and other entities with an interest in child protection also subscribe to PeakCare.

In keeping with our Constitution, the strategic directions and governance of PeakCare is guided and monitored by a Board comprised of elected representatives from our Member organisations.

Our Strategic Plan 2024-29

The Strategic Plan contains statements of our vision, our purpose, our core principles, and areas of strategic intent.

Our Quality Commitment

PeakCare staff are supported to integrate QUALITY into the way they work; and to initiate and promote continual improvement that will ultimately contribute to the safety and wellbeing of children, young people and their families.

Our Vision

Queensland children, young people and families in all their diversity are thriving with access to support, when and where it’s needed.

Our Purpose

At PeakCare, we dedicate ourselves to improving the wellbeing of Queensland's children, young people, and families by championing innovation, creating impactful partnerships, anchoring our actions in evidence, driving forward-thinking advocacy, and amplifying the voice of our Members and sector.

Our Core Principles

Children and young people are at the centre of everything we do

Our advocacy is independent, evidence-based and informed by the voices of our Members and sector

We are available to our Members when and where we are needed

Our work is inclusive and respectful of diversity, culture and living-experience

We are transparent, consistent, trustworthy and accountable in everything we do

Meaningful and trusted partnerships with government, service providers and individuals are critical for our success

We invest in our people and strive for excellence

We create a safe and inclusive environment where all ideas and contributions are valued and respected

Our Strategic Intent


Policy and Advocacy

We use our independent voice and evidence-based analysis to influence policies and practices which improve outcomes and better support the rights of children, young people and families in Queensland.


Innovation and Partnerships

We collaborate with a diverse range of partners to create new and better ways of supporting children, young people and families in Queensland.


Capacity Building

We support and equip our members and the sector through education, awareness raising, training and development to enhance their skills and knowledge in delivering quality services to children, young people and families in Queensland.



We undertake, translate and promote the best available knowledge, research and insights into new practices, policies and reforms to ensure the child and family sector is best equipped to improve outcomes and foster greater wellbeing for all Queensland children, young people and families.

Our Board

In keeping with our Constitution, the strategic directions and governance of PeakCare are guided and monitored by a Board comprised of elected representatives from our Member organisations.

They represent all Members and come from a range of Member organisations throughout rural, remote, regional and metropolitan Queensland. Board Members are elected to serve two year terms and are eligible to serve a maximum of three consecutive terms.

In keeping with provisions included in the Constitution, the Board may also appoint up to an additional two Members to serve on the Board with skills and experience of benefit to the Board in exercising its duties.

Our Staff

PeakCare Queensland has a dedicated team of professionals
working in a range of permanent and project roles.


Associate Members

PeakCare also has a number of individual and other entity Associate Members, ranging from private practitioners to academics. PeakCare appreciates that some of these Associate Members would prefer to remain anonymous, and so this information is only published with express permission.

If you are an Associate Member who would like to be listed, please send an email to office@peakcare.org.au.

Join PeakCare as a Member

Across Queensland, PeakCare has around 50 Full Members that are a mix of small, medium and large, local and statewide, mainstream and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander non-government organisations that provide services to at risk and in care children and young people, their families and communities. In addition, PeakCare’s membership includes a network of over 25 Associate Members who comprise individuals and other entities supportive of PeakCare’s policy platform about the safety and well-being of children and young people, and the support of their families.

Join PeakCare as a Member and invest in the innovative work we do in partnership with, and on behalf of, the child protection sector.

For a moderate annual Membership fee, your investment helps us to maintain a robust and impartial voice that seeks continuous improvement of child protection policy, programs and practice that is well informed by research and the knowledge and experience of our Members and other respected stakeholders.

Read on to learn about the benefits of becoming a Member and to access downloadable application forms.

Member Benefits

Join PeakCare and support the innovative work we do in partnership with, and on behalf of, the child protection sector.


Your investment helps us to maintain a robust and impartial voice in seeking continuous improvements to child protection policy, programs and practice that is well-informed by research and the knowledge and experience of our Members and other respected stakeholders.

Members benefit from the opportunities their investment provides in contributing to PeakCare’s agenda and building our capacity to achieve the organisation’s vision and strategic intent. This, in turn, adds to the continuous improvement of the child protection system and builds the capacity and capability of our Members, all of which benefits Queensland children and young people, their families, carers and communities.


Member Benefits

PeakCare Members receive the following benefits:

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    Opportunities to participate in roundtable meetings and other consultation processes about topical policy, program or practice issues

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    Access to information, research, submissions and reports commissioned and/or distributed by PeakCare

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    Discounted (or free) attendance at PeakCare training, symposiums, workshops and other events

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    Access to a range of other discounted (or free) services, resources and products (such as videos) periodically made available to PeakCare Members

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    Free advertising and promotion of job vacancies, events and news via our website, eNews and social media

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    Free meeting room hire, including equipment, at our Brisbane premises

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    Membership of the Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia

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    Voting rights at Members meetings and the Annual General Meeting, and the opportunity to stand for election to the Board (subject to certain conditions)

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    Opportunity to play their parts in collectively supporting the important work of PeakCare

Associate Member Benefits

Individuals or other entities (such as consultancy services or private businesses) that support PeakCare’s policy platform relating to the safety and well-being of children, young people and their families may register as Associate Members. Associate Members enjoy similar benefits to our Full Members apart from voting rights and eligibility to stand for election to the Board.

Apply to become a
Full or Associate Member

Full Members

Organisations wishing to become a Member are required to submit an application form and documentation in support of their application as listed on the application form. Each application is considered and approved by PeakCare’s Board of Governance.

Membership Fees (incl. GST)

Note: The membership year runs from 1st July to 30th June each year

AOrganisations with gross revenue totalling less than $1million per annum$200
BOrganisations with gross revenue totalling more than $1million per annum but less than $2million$330
COrganisations with gross revenue totalling more than $2million per annum but less than $4million$1,260
DOrganisations with gross revenue totalling more than $4million per annum but less than $6million$2,140
EOrganisations with gross revenue totalling more than $6million per annum but less than $8million$3,030
FOrganisations with gross revenue totalling more than $8million per annum$3,910

Guidelines for calculating the payment tier to which your organisation belongs is included within the application form.

Associate Members

Individuals or other entities such as consultancy services or private businesses wishing to become an Associate Member are similarly required to submit an application to PeakCare’s Board of Governance for the Board’s consideration and approval.

Associate Member Fees (incl. GST): $100

Note: The membership year runs from 1st July to 30th June each year.

Submitting Applications

Once completed please either email or post your application to:
Email: office@peakcare.org.au
Postal Address: GPO Box 1719, Brisbane QLD 4001