Carly Jacobitz

Carly Jacobitz is the current Executive Director – Performance, Risk and Assurance (Child, Youth and Family) at Life Without Barriers (LWB). She brings 15 years operational and executive experience in human services and well-developed relationships with both government and industry partners. Carly has a unique perspective derived from both experience in front line statutory child protection and nationally with one of Australia’s largest out of home care providers, LWB. Having spent the largest part of her career in government or the not-for-profit sector, Carly brings a strong commitment to vulnerable children, young people and families.

Carly has undergraduate qualifications in business and postgraduate qualifications in psychology and is a registered psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. She is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD). Carly is also a Non-Executive Director with DVConnect.