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Release of 2021 Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Grants Program

The Queensland government has released the next round of funding for the Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Grants Program. The purpose of these grants is to continue in the footsteps of the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse by revealing the truth of what happened to children and contributing to healing and reconciliation in Queensland. The program will provide funding of up to $10,000 for community groups and organisations to undertake projects and activities related to sharing the truth, healing and reconciling stories of people with lived experience of institutional child abuse in Queensland. Applications close Wednesday, 14th April. Find out more and apply.

Invitation to a special conversation on enhancing national recognition for kinship care

Dear colleagues I am pleased to share with you today that some further spots have become available for a special PeakCare…

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Increase announced to Queensland 2024-25 indexation rate to 3.94%

PeakCare is pleased to advise that the Queensland Government has announced an increase to the 2024-25 state indexation rate to 3.94% in…

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Release of the latest research on supporting staff wellbeing in our sector

Registrations will be closing soon for the release of the latest research on supporting the wellbeing of staff working in…

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Invitation to a special conversation on enhancing national recognition for kinship care

Dear colleagues I am pleased to share with you today that some further spots have become available for a special PeakCare…

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Increase announced to Queensland 2024-25 indexation rate to 3.94%

PeakCare is pleased to advise that the Queensland Government has announced an increase to the 2024-25 state indexation rate to 3.94% in…

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Release of the latest research on supporting staff wellbeing in our sector

Registrations will be closing soon for the release of the latest research on supporting the wellbeing of staff working in…

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