The Australian children growing up with opportunity article in The Australian Economic Review discusses the inequality of opportunity experienced by children during the early years of education and potential impacts on child development. The article considers the relative prevalence of formal childcare use and kindergarten attendance for specific disadvantaged groups compared to the national standard. The data show average usage increasing over time, but that as recently as 2016, children aged 0-5 years from four specific groups in particular continue to be significantly underrepresented in formal childcare services. These include: children with a disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, and children from regional and remote areas. These groups are only slightly underrepresented in early childhood services for children aged 3-5 years, with children from non-English speaking backgrounds substantially less likely to attend kindergarten, though participation for this group dramatically rises for programs in the year before primary school begins. Overall, the data suggest that more affluent families are more likely to use formal early education services, potentially extending existing advantages. Read the article.