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Launch of the Charter of Rights for parents involved with the child protection system in Queensland


On 1st June 2022, a groundbreaking development in the history of child protection within our State took place – the launch of the Charter of Rights for parents involved with the child protection system in Queensland.

It was very apt that the Charter’s launch was held on the Global Day for Parents. As fate would have it, the launch also coincided with PeakCare’s Awards Ceremony during which the Family Inclusion Network (FIN) South East Queensland received the 2022 SIC Award for innovative and exemplary design and delivery of services to Queensland children, young people and families. FINtastic!

It is noteworthy that Queensland is the only Australian State or Territory to have a Parent Advisory Committee able to engage in direct dialogue with the Minister, and is the second State to have produced a Charter of Rights for Parents with Western Australia having released their Charter earlier this year. Another FINtastic!

There can be no better commentary provided about the significance of the Charter than the words expressed by parents themselves:

  • Everyone, yes everyone, should be treated as equals. I believe the Charter is a great tool moving forward to equality and accountability.
  • The Parent Charter journey will continue to assist, continue to develop, even after our children, my children, are no longer involved in care – for the next generation, and the one after. Hoping and praying that their lives will be a little more secure in the knowledge that this Charter will help them understand what mission is ahead for themselves and their children, with a little more clarity and confidence. Thank you for listening.
  • The aim of this charter is not to cause further division between parents, carers, and workers, but ideally to cement the idea of collaboration and alliance in a formal way.
  • I am so thankful for the comfort of being able to turn to other struggling parents and say ‘Yes, it is ok to ask for support. It is available to you. And your family’s rights WILL be protected. There is hope. You are not alone. And in THIS village, you matter!’

Click here to read more of the inspiring words spoken by parents.

PeakCare joins FIN SEQ in acknowledging the Hon Leanne Linard MP, Minister for Children and Youth Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs and staff of the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs for the safe and respectful opportunity provided to parents to actively participate in the development of the Charter, the Queensland Human Rights Commission for its support and the Family Inclusion Network, Townsville.

PeakCare Members and Supporters are encouraged to fully reflect on the words of the Charter and the ways in which you can go about ensuring that these words ring true in all you do. Please feel free to enter your thoughts about the Charter here, anonymously if you prefer.

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