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‘Is Australia the lucky country for all?’ panel discussion soon to be broadcast by ABC Radio National

On Monday 17th October, the ‘Is Australia the lucky country for all?’ panel discussion was held at Parliament House. Panel members included Natalie Lewis, Queensland Family and Child Commissioner; Sharon Bessell, Professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University and director of the Children’s Policy Centre and of the Poverty and Inequality Research Centre, and Cath Bartolo AM, Chief Executive Officer of Youth and Family Services (YFS). The discussion was led by Walkley Award winner, Paul Barclay and is to be broadcast on the ABC Radio National Big Ideas program at 8pm tonight, Thursday 20th October and repeated on the following Tuesday.

Thank you to our enthusiastic venue sponsor, Jonte Bush, the Member for Cooper who, in addition to this role, delivered an opening address on behalf of Premier Palaszczuk who was unfortunately unable to attend due to a prior commitment. Our sincere appreciation is also extended to HESTA for their generous support and sponsorship of this event. Click here to view the photo gallery and take special note of the young people in attendance who raised their questions and concerns with the panel.

Invitation to a special conversation on enhancing national recognition for kinship care

Dear colleagues I am pleased to share with you today that some further spots have become available for a special PeakCare…

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Increase announced to Queensland 2024-25 indexation rate to 3.94%

PeakCare is pleased to advise that the Queensland Government has announced an increase to the 2024-25 state indexation rate to 3.94% in…

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Release of the latest research on supporting staff wellbeing in our sector

Registrations will be closing soon for the release of the latest research on supporting the wellbeing of staff working in…

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Invitation to a special conversation on enhancing national recognition for kinship care

Dear colleagues I am pleased to share with you today that some further spots have become available for a special PeakCare…

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Increase announced to Queensland 2024-25 indexation rate to 3.94%

PeakCare is pleased to advise that the Queensland Government has announced an increase to the 2024-25 state indexation rate to 3.94% in…

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Release of the latest research on supporting staff wellbeing in our sector

Registrations will be closing soon for the release of the latest research on supporting the wellbeing of staff working in…

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