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Important update regarding Hope and Healing – Residential Care for learners



Learners (who have completed or are still actively completing the course) are advised some changes occurring to Hope & Healing – Residential Care eLearning mandatory training. If you no longer work in the sector or otherwise do not require access to the training in future, there are no actions required by you.

What is changing? 

On Tuesday, 2nd August 2022, residential care learners will be upgraded to the new system that also houses the new online training, Hope and Healing – Foster Care. This system will now host all Hope & Healing training and the evidence of where you are up to in the training (including completion if you have already completed it), will also be kept and transitioned into this new system.

In the 2021 survey of learners that have completed the course there was high demand for the ability to go back and review the content, and so this new system allows for you to return to the modules you have already completed at any stage. Learners will now be able to go back and revisit modules whenever you wish, after completing the training for the first time, without impacting your completion status.

How to access the system 

You will receive an automated email from the new Clui system, inviting you to access the system. When this occurs, if you still require access to the training, you can register and set a new password in order to continue and complete the training.

If you have any questions regarding the change please contact your employer or the last employer that you worked with that required you to have Hope & Healing -Residential Care completed.

How do I get additional help/how do I get my old certificate? 

The training is linked to minimum qualification standards for the residential care workforce implemented by the Queensland Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs (the Department). You can read more about the standards on the Department’s website here.

Your supervisor or your organisation’s Hope & Healing administrator will be able to give you more information and support, including getting you set up on the system after the invitations have been sent or if you require a copy of your previous completion certificate.

What’s next? 

From 3pm Tuesday, 2nd August the Litmos system will no longer be available. From midday Wednesday, 3rd August you will be able to access the training via the new Clui platform. Between these times you will receive some emails to help get you onto the system.

An automated email from the new Clui system will be sent to you, inviting you to access the system. At that point, you will need to register and set a new password in order to access the training. If you are currently partway through the course, you will be able to continue from the same module on the new system, as progress will be carried across.

You will also receive an email from PeakCare advising you that the changes have been completed.

Please use this helpful reminder… 

To help you to remind yourself of these upcoming changes, please download the attached ICS (a calendar file) which is a reminder that will save into your calendar. Another email will be sent out to remind you of the lockout window as it approaches.

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