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CPPAQ Practice Paper – Are you ready for the National Redress Scheme?

Following the recommendation of the Royal Commission into Institutional Reponses to Child Sexual Abuse a National Redress Scheme (NRS) has been established. This Practice Paper on Wednesday, 20th March by Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ) will be presented by knowmore legal service, a free national legal service funded to assist survivors of institutional child sexual abuse to ensure they have access to redress. This session will provide detailed information about the NRS, including the three components of the scheme available to survivors, the impact of prior payments, the assessment framework used to assess the amount a survivor will receive and the legal options available to survivors, including at common law. Tickets are free for CPPAQ Members and $40 for non-Members. Register here.

Invitation to a special conversation on enhancing national recognition for kinship care

Dear colleagues I am pleased to share with you today that some further spots have become available for a special PeakCare…

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Increase announced to Queensland 2024-25 indexation rate to 3.94%

PeakCare is pleased to advise that the Queensland Government has announced an increase to the 2024-25 state indexation rate to 3.94% in…

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Release of the latest research on supporting staff wellbeing in our sector

Registrations will be closing soon for the release of the latest research on supporting the wellbeing of staff working in…

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Invitation to a special conversation on enhancing national recognition for kinship care

Dear colleagues I am pleased to share with you today that some further spots have become available for a special PeakCare…

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Increase announced to Queensland 2024-25 indexation rate to 3.94%

PeakCare is pleased to advise that the Queensland Government has announced an increase to the 2024-25 state indexation rate to 3.94% in…

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Release of the latest research on supporting staff wellbeing in our sector

Registrations will be closing soon for the release of the latest research on supporting the wellbeing of staff working in…

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