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a BIG THANK YOU to all those who supported Queensland’s BIG WEEK

On behalf of PeakCare, the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak (QATSICPP) and the Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia (CAFWAA), sincere appreciation to extended to ALL who contributed to making the BIG WEEK National Child Protection Conference a successful event. A BIG THANK YOU is sent to:

  • Our keynote speakers, Stan Grant and Isaiah Dawe
  • Our internationally renowned speaker, Dr James Anglin
  • Members of the panel that led discussion about ‘Bringing a human rights lens into child protection, youth justice and other service systems encountered by children and families – Aimee McVeigh, Ruth Barson, Cameron Harsley APM, Michael Hogan and Scott McDougall
  • Members of the panel that led discussion about ‘Responsibilities held by non-Indigenous non-government and government agencies concerning self-determination by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in relation to the safety, wellbeing and protection of their children’ – Natalie Lewis, Philip Brooks, Isaiah Dawe, Professor Boni Robertson and Richard Weston
  • ALL presenters and members of panels from across the country who generously shared their wisdom and time – their names and abstracts can be located in theConference Program
  • Child Safety Minister Di Farmer for her warm welcome during the Conference’s Welcome Reception, and
  • The magnificent Brisbane Pride Choir for entertaining us so beautifully during the Welcome Reception

Special mention is made of the contributions made by Leanne Claussen, Parents on a Mission in presenting to us ‘Leanne’s Gift’ and the parents who participated in the‘Parents Who Lead’ presentation. It was sensational to have the voices of parents heard throughout the Conference.

Special mention is also made of the ‘stars’ of PeakCare’s short video, ‘What Lies Beneath the Words: the Sequel’ that had its premier screening during the Welcome Reception –CREATE Young Consultants, Brooke, Miriel and Ty plus Karen and Rachelle from the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women and Nadia and Lenny from QATSICPP. Thank you!

Thanks are also extended to the many organisations who sponsored the Conference –Anglicare Southern QueenslandACTCOSS’ Gulamga ProgramThe Benevolent SocietyChild WiseChurches of Christ in QueenslandCompass Seminars,CommsyncDepartment of Child Safety, Youth and WomenFoundations CareHouse with No StepsInfinity Community SolutionsIntegrated Family and Youth Service (IFYS)Life Without BarriersMission AustraliaNature Play QldParentline,Queensland Foster and Kinship CareTrue Relationships and Reproductive Health,UnitingCare Community, and YCSS Child, Youth and Family Intervention Service – and to the businesses and individuals whose generous donations allowed some conference attendees (Susie Edwards from FIN in particular!) to leave with some amazing prizes – Australia ZooCorpcut Mobile HairdressingChannel Seven Wheel of Brisbane,Knowledge Partner Professionals, Jenny Wegener and Five Star Cinemas.

A very special thank you is also sent to PeakCare’s Annika Stehn for her patience, skills and expertise in coordinating the Conference and to ALL who attended and supported this event.

Thank you also to our friends and colleagues from QATSICPP for providing the opportunity for those who attended the conference to stay on and participate in the other BIG events held during Queensland’s BIG WEEK – the Masterclass Workshop led byProfessor Cindy Blackstock on Wednesday and the 2-day QATSICPP Members’ Conference. The BIG WEEK will conclude this evening with QATSICPP’s 10th Anniversary Dinner – a sensational ending to Queensland’s BIG WEEK.

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Invitation to a special conversation on enhancing national recognition for kinship care

Dear colleagues I am pleased to share with you today that some further spots have become available for a special PeakCare…

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Increase announced to Queensland 2024-25 indexation rate to 3.94%

PeakCare is pleased to advise that the Queensland Government has announced an increase to the 2024-25 state indexation rate to 3.94% in…

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Release of the latest research on supporting staff wellbeing in our sector

Registrations will be closing soon for the release of the latest research on supporting the wellbeing of staff working in…

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