The following links are national professional and peak organisations:

Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia Inc.
CAFWAA is the national peak body for child, adolescent and family welfare in Australia. CAFWAA’s aim is to promote the welfare of children and young people in out-of-home care and those at risk of placement, together with their families.
CAFWAA has membership from peak child and family welfare bodies at state and territory level as well as national bodies and major service providers.

Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS)
The Australian Council of Social Service is the peak body of the community services and welfare sector and the national voice for the needs of people affected by poverty and inequality. ACOSS’ vision is for a fair, inclusive and sustainable Australia where all individuals and communities can participate in and benefit from social and economic life.

CREATE Foundation
CREATE Foundation is the peak body representing the voices of all children and young people in out-of-home care. As a national organisation CREATE is better able to increase its reach to children and young people in care through its programs and events. As an advocate for children and young people in care CREATE ensures that their voices are heard by key decision makers in government and out-of-home care sector stakeholders.

National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA)
The National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) is the only national voice advocating for the rights and interests of people from non-English speaking background (NESB) with disability, their families and carers throughout Australia.

Physical Disability Australia
Physical Disability Australia exists to convince governments to mandate laws and rules that enable the full participation of people with physical disability in all areas of society.

Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care
Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC) is the national non-government peak body in Australia representing the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families.

National Disability Services
National Disability Services (NDS) is Australia’s peak body for non-government disability service organisations, representing more than 1050 non-government service providers. Collectively, NDS members operate several thousand services for Australians with all types of disability.

Australian Association of Social Workers
The Australian Association of Social Workers is the professional representative body of Social Workers in Australia, with 6,000 members nation-wide.