Our Opinion

PeakCare’s question during QCOSS 2020 State Election Leaders Debate


Watch the question asked by PeakCare’s Lindsay Wegener during the QCOSS 2020 State Election Debate held on 19 October by clicking here.Then click here to watch the answers to this and other questions put to Hon Coralee O’Rourke MP, Minister for Communities and Minister for Disability Services and Seniors and Dr Christian Rowan MP, Shadow Minister for Communities and Shadow Minister for Disability Services and Seniors, Shadow Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Shadow Minister for the Arts.Scroll to around 58:14 to hear the reply to Lindsay’s question. Then scroll towards the end of the video to hear responses to a question put forward about the Home Stretch Campaign by Leanne Woods.Your verdictWhat were your reactions to the 2020 State Election Leaders Debate?What were the matters discussed by Minister O’Rourke and/ or Shadow Minister Rowan that you were pleased to hear?What were the matters discussed that you were not pleased about?Enter your comments below, anonymously if you prefer.PeakCare thanks and congratulates QCOSS for hosting the 2020 State Election Leaders Debate.

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  1. Name withheld on October 21, 2020 at 1:52 pm

    Why is it that a supposed child protection peak body opposes strong policies that might finally end the deaths of children? Lindsay Wegener’s question was ridiculous. I was glad to see him put in his place. Peakcare does not represent my views. Peak body – my proverbial!

  2. Rebecca Foley on October 21, 2020 at 3:27 pm

    Disappointing that the LNP did not answer the question and spoke about recidivism and accountability. Hopefully the comments in the two report that Lindsay spoke about can help to educate the LNP regarding the poor outcomes for children in care and that a blanket policy is likely to negatively impact many children. To determine if a child is unsafe and at high risk of harm holistic assessments need to be completed utilising the families safety networks.

  3. Name withheld on October 26, 2020 at 5:59 pm

    I thought that Lindsay Wegener’s question was reasonable, relevant and to the point. I thought that it was much more worrying that there was a point blank refusal by the LNP to, at the least, re-consider the policies where the Peakcare-QATSICPP survey discovered such high levels of disagreement with what they are proposing. This is not a good sign about what we can expect if the LNP is elected to government. It appears that they have no intention of listening to our voices!

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