Our Opinion

National Child Protection Conference Feedback Report

A report on the National Child Protection Conference Feedback Survey Findings has now been released. This conference was co-hosted by PeakCare, the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak (QATSICPP) and the Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia (CAFWAA) in Brisbane on 24th and 25th June. Thank you to all who responded to the survey and for the mostly very constructive feedback that was submitted. This will be used to inform the planning of future events of this type.

As completed surveys commenced being received, it became quickly apparent that some feedback said little about the actual Conference and much more about the values and beliefs that some attendees brought with them to this event.   In previous editions of eNews, PeakCare has published snippets of this feedback and a strong response was received to our blog, Feedback about the National Child Protection Conference – on the one hand this, on the other hand…. with comments posted by Mr Michael Hogan, Director-General of the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women and several senior Departmental Officers and many senior executives of non-government organisations and other peak bodies including Life Without Barriers, Disability Law Queensland, Kyabra, UnitingCare, Mercy Community, Act for Kids, Youth Advocacy Centre, QATSICPP, CREATE Foundation and Queensland Alliance for Mental Health.

On 2nd August, PeakCare released this invitation to our Members and Supporters to gather for constructive dialogue about ways forward in addressing these contentious matters. If you wish to join the many organisations that have positively responded to this invitation, email lwegener@peakcare.org.au.

Some have reminded PeakCare that the concerning comments were stated by only a few. In PeakCare’s view, a few is far too many.

If you have comments you wish to make about the Conference Feedback Survey Findings, enter them below – anonymously if you prefer.

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  1. Name withheld on September 12, 2019 at 8:26 am

    Having now read the report, it’s hard to believe that these people were actually at the same event.

  2. Anonymous on September 12, 2019 at 8:33 am

    I have never been to a conference where the National Anthem was played! As for the comment about the anthem not being played being an example of another way in which the conference “pandered” to the Aboriginal community, it is a ridiculous criticism. Can’t be taken at all seriously.

  3. Name withheld on September 12, 2019 at 8:57 am

    A well written report, but a depressing read

  4. Name withheld on September 12, 2019 at 9:00 am

    Thank you for your transparency in publishing the report. It exposes some things – systemic racism especially – that our sector must confront

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