Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs
The Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs’ vision is for Queenslanders to be safe and thriving in families, communities and culture. The purpose of the Department is to support children, young people and their families to be safe and to thrive in culture and communities across three service areas. Child and Family Services aims to enable families to safely care for their children and young people, and provide services to support the safety, belonging and wellbeing of children and young people not able to be cared for by their families. Youth Justice Services aims to keep the community safe by working together to prevent offending and reduce reoffending by children and young people, and by enabling young people to reconnect to community. Multicultural Affairs Services aims to promote Queensland as a unified, harmonious and inclusive community. View the latest Budget Paper 2021-22 for further information.

The Office of the Public Guardian
The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) is an independent statutory body which protects the rights and wellbeing of vulnerable Queenslanders. The OPG has specific responsibilities to support children and young people in the child protection system including those in out of home care, residential care and detention?and provides them with help, support and individual advocacy.

The Queensland Family and Child Commission
The QFCC was established on 1 July 2014 as result of the recommendations outlined in the Queensland Government’s response to the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry (Carmody Inquiry). The QFCC holds responsibilities for providing expert oversight of Queenslands child protection system; educating parents, families, communities and professionals about the services available to strengthen and support families; and working alongside government and non-government organisations, universities and the vocational education and training sectors to strengthen the capacity and capability of the child protection workforce.