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CPPAQ – April Practice Paper: Lifting the Veil on responses to FDV


CPPAQ – April Practice Paper: Lifting the Veil on responses to FDV

Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ) presents April Practice Paper: Lifting the veil – cultural issues and inherent bias in responding to domestic and family violence

The paper will examine some of the issues surrounding responses to domestic and family violence. It will discuss some of the issues that inhibit cross agency and cross-cultural cooperation as well as the inherent biases that need to be countered in order to properly investigate and assist where allegations of domestic and family violence are raised.


Her Honour, Judge Richards

Judge Richards is a graduate of The University of Queensland—Bachelor of Laws (1986). Judge Richards began her legal career as a clerk at the Prosecutions Branch of Crown Law Office (1979–1985) and the Director of Prosecutions Office (1985–86). Her Honour was admitted as a barrister of the Supreme Court of Queensland in 1985.

Following a period as a crown prosecutor (1986–88) Judge Richards practised as a barrister in Brisbane from 1989 to 1994. During that period, her Honour was in-house counsel to the Policy and Legislation Division of the Department of Local Government (1988).

Judge Richards was a member of the Women’s Electoral Lobby (1990–92) and official visitor to the Women’s Prison from 1990 to 1994.

Her Honour was the Deputy Public Defender (1994–98) and Acting Public Defender (1998) at the Legal Aid Office. Her Honour lectured in Anti-Discrimination Law for the Bar Practice Course (1997–98). Judge Richards also served as member of the Criminal Law Division Litigation Reform Commission (1995–96), the Taskforce on Women and the Criminal Code (1998), and most recently as the Commissioner of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence (2022).

Her Honour has shared her expertise at numerous events including as chair of the Jury Research workshop at the Courts of the Future Network (2005), as panel member at the Protecting Children Today Conference (2006) and panel member of the Grand Rounds at the ‘Shadow of Blame’ Medico-Legal Conference in 2006.

Her Honour was appointed a judge of the District Court in 1998.

Judge Richards was featured in ‘A Woman’s Place: 100 years of Queensland Women Lawyers’, published by the Supreme Court Library Queensland in 2005.

Chair: Leanne McDonald – National Abuse Law Specialist, Shine Lawyers

Leanne has worked as a personal injury lawyer for 20 years and specialises in claims for survivors of childhood abuse, giving them a voice and guiding them through the relevant process.  Throughout her career she has been driven by social justice issues, including reform of legislation and processes for survivors of abuse across the country.  She represented the family of Annette Mason in their fight to find the truth about her murder as a child 30 years ago and is a passionate advocate for child safety issues.

Date: Friday, 14th April from 5.30pm

Venue: Hilton Hotel, Victorias Room, 190 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane

Cost: Free for CPPAQ Members, $40 for non-CPPAQ Members

Register: Online