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Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies Conference 2024

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Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies Conference 2024

Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies Conference 2024: Reimagining our work with children, families and communities

ACWA’s international conference is a significant coming together of advocates, practitioners, policy and researchers and sector leaders in child and family fields. It covers family support and intervention, family preservation, domestic violence and child protection, out of home care and residential care.  Workers from all over Australia will present their work, hear new research and interventions, and examine policies and practices that are making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children and families, and to identify ways we can do better.

The conference will have a number of streams – including child protection and domestic violence, keeping families together and reunification, residential care, and hearing from First Nations experiences, services, and initiatives. The ACWA 2024 conference theme is ‘Reimagining our work with children, families and communities.’

The program incorporates a stimulating mix of presentations, panel discussions and masterclasses, supported by a dynamic line up of international and local speakers. There are plenty of social highlights as well, providing delegates valuable opportunities to network, renew connections and celebrate the work of our sector.

The ACWA 2024 Scientific Program Committee invites the submission of abstracts for original work for consideration as an oral individual presentation, workshop, symposia/panel or poster presentation, in the Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies 2024 Conference Program.

Date: Wednesday, 5th to Friday, 7th June 2024

Venue: ICC, Sydney NSW

Register: Online