The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will host a multicultural forum for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Brisbane on Tuesday 1 March.
The forum aims to inform culturally and linguistically diverse communities about the work of the Royal Commission, what has been learnt so far, and listen to ideas on how we can ensure a safer future for children.
The Royal Commission is investigating how institutions like schools, churches, sports clubs and government organisations have responded to allegations and instances of child sexual abuse.
It is the job of the Royal Commission to uncover where systems have failed to protect children so it can make recommendations on how to improve laws, policies and practices.
Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM will provide an overview of the Royal Commissions work and will invite questions and comments. This is an opportunity to find out more about the Royal Commission and how culturally and linguistically diverse communities, organisations and advocates can be involved.
Questions and comments for the Commissioner can be submitted beforehand when you RSVP and Royal Commission staff will be on hand on the day to support people who wish to contribute.
As a part of its work, the Royal Commission also releases Issues and Consultation papers and invites public submissions on these papers. The Issues papers are on topics of interest to the Royal Commissions work and allow organisations and individuals an opportunity to provide their opinions and expertise in an open forum.
The Royal Commission will make recommendations on how to improve laws, policies and practices in Australia to provide a safer future for children. Ideas raised at the forum and through submissions to Issues and Consultation papers will contribute to the Royal Commissions final recommendations.
Date: Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Time: 5:30 pm for a 6:00 pm start ? 8:00pm
Location: Brisbane City Hall, Ithaca Auditorium, King George Square, main entrance off Ann Street, Brisbane
Facilitator: Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) Chief Executive Officer, Mr Mark Henley
Light refreshments will be available
RSVP: Preferred by 18 February 2016 to
When you RSVP, please send any questions or issues you would like raised on the day and any participation and access needs.
Parking from 4:30 pm is available for $5 under the Brisbane City Hall ? enter via Adelaide and Roma Streets.
More information
Sally Grimsley-Ballard at or 02 82823897
Royal Commission website –