Our Opinion

Winter is here



Only 30.9% of Queensland children aged 5 to 11 have had two doses of the COVID vaccine.The figure is worse for First Nations children – 16.4%.Only 76% of Queensland children aged 12 to 15 have had two doses.The figure is worse for First Nations children – 66.8%.These are far lower than the rates for Queensland’s general population – 92.4% fully vaccinated.


Find an adult who children and young people trust to tell them the truth:

  • COVID-19 is NOT over
  • Children can and do catch COVID
  • Vaccination does not guarantee that they won’t catch the virus, but it makes it much less likely that they will and much less likely they will become seriously ill if they do
  • Vaccination makes it much less likely that they will spread the virus to people they care about
  • A double-whammy of COVID and the flu can be very serious!


PeakCare urges our Members, Supporters and Friends to do all that they can to make sure that Queensland children and young people are vaccinated – for both COVID and the flu.Please, please, please – protect our children and young people.

Share your advice about what you have done to successfully facilitate children and young people receiving the COVID and flu vaccinations. Tell us what more you think can and should be done to increase the rate of vaccination. Enter your comments below, anonymously if you prefer.

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