Young Queenslanders aged 10-25 years old are called on to share their project ideas to help stop cyberbullying in their communities. The Queensland government’s Stop Cyberbullying initiative has two grant options available for individuals (up to $2,000) and not-for-profit organisations and local government entities (up to $5,000) to deliver projects to help drive awareness and address cyberbullying in their communities. Areas of priority include projects that: display collaborative approaches across diverse cohorts of young people e.g. high school students working with primary school students; or demonstrate how the project will support long-term behavioural change; demonstrate innovation in the project’s design and delivery e.g. in the use of technology; support the development of positive and respectful relationships; prioritise key groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and those from rural and remote communities. Applications close midnight Sunday, 10th May. Find out more and apply.