The Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ) annual Leneen Forde Address is named in honour of Ms Leneen Forde AO who led the 1999 Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions. The 2019 address will be delivered by Professor Helen Milroy, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist; Professor at the University of Western Australia; Commissioner with the National Mental Health Commission; Honorary Research Fellow with Telethon Kids Institute; and former Commissioner for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Her work and research interests include child mental health and recovery from trauma and grief, application of Indigenous knowledge, and cultural models of care. She is a descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Her address will reflect the many learnings from the Royal Commission including the importance of bearing witness, keeping children safe, trauma informed approaches, and competency in mental health systems of care. The Child Protection Practitioners Association of Queensland (CPPAQ) aims to improve interdisciplinary professional collaboration in the child protection system in Queensland. Find out more and register.