Youth Action, a NSW peak body for young people, recently released Career guidance: the missing link in school to work transitions. The report asserts that effective career guidance in high schools can improve the transition from school to work for young people, especially those experiencing disadvantage.
“Best practice in career guidance involves an integrated and holistic approach where career development is woven into all aspects of school learning. As well as a skills-based curriculum, this should include individual support, parental/guardian involvement and partnerships with community organisations to support the diverse needs and aspirations of young people. Links with employers are also important as providing opportunities for young people to develop networks with industry and business sectors deepens their understanding of career pathways and planning.”
There is education and employment information on the Create Your Future site, including a locally developed booklet on career and life planning for young people in care. Two related articles are: The school to work transition for young people in state care: perspectives from young people, carers and professionals and Child protection workers’ perspectives on the school to work transition for young people in care. A key message from these is about young people (and those around them) having aspirations. Many CREATE Foundation research reports address the poorer educational outcomes for children and young people in care and include young peoples’ views about school experiences.