The Senate’s Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme has released Provision of services under the NDIS for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition. The Committee found that the scheme’s reliance on diagnosis, rather than needs, is likely to result in inconsistent accessibility and outcomes for people with mental health illnesses. The report also found that the planning process for NDIS case plans has resulted in unsatisfactory experiences for people with psychosocial disabilities, their families and sometimes their carers, who reported not being involved in planning discussions or planning by phone. The report highlights emerging service gaps, including assertive outreach services, community based group supports, carer supports, and service availability in remote communities. The report made 24 recommendations in relation to eligibility, planning processes, continuity of support for those currently receiving care, capacity building, and forensic disability services for those in custody which aim to strengthen the effectiveness of the Scheme to ensure that people with psychosocial disabilities can be appropriately supported.