It seems like it took a few weeks only for ‘social distancing’ to become an entrenched term in our vernacular. Will it remain there for years to come or quickly fade away when the pandemic finally ends? Will future generations frown in bewilderment as we recount stories to our grandchildren of the time when social distancing was the norm or will it be for them, a practice that stays embedded within our culture – one that is periodically re-surfaced every time a flu season hits.
It’s interesting to note that, according to Wikipedia, the World Health Organisation suggested that the term ‘physical distancing’ be used during the COVID-19 pandemic in preference to ‘social distancing’. Why was this suggestion not taken up? No idea – Wikipedia can only take you so far in unravelling the great mysteries of the world.
No matter what terms we may use or favour, PeakCare applauds the many creative and innovative approaches taken by our Member organisations in actively assisting children, young people and families to maintain or build their ‘social connections’ whilst also observing ‘physical distancing’ protocols. To celebrate your achievements, PeakCare is running another of our competitions. The first five readers to submit correct answers to these five simple questions (link will download as a Word document) will each win a $30 gift voucher. You have already received a hint about where you can locate most of the answers.