This year’s National Child Protection Week theme is Putting Children First, with a variety of inspiring webinars, including the NAPCAN Queensland specific webinar Putting Children First in Queensland, 2.30pm to 3.30pm on Tuesday, 8th September. The webinar will kick off the conversation about what primary prevention means for Queensland and how everyone can all play their part in creating a great state for all children. Speakers include Hoani Lambert, New Zealand Ministry for Children, who will share insights into the ways that New Zealand is putting children first in government systems, and ensuring that their voices are at the centre of policy, service design and delivery; and Professor Sharon Goldfeld, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, who will share insights into her research about how the different factors in our communities – physical, social, socio-economic, services, etc – influence the way that children develop. Register here.
Be part of Remembrance Day and join people who were placed in institutional or other out-of-home care as children, and their family and friends to pay tribute to the courage and determination of adult survivors of childhood abuse in these settings. Register to attend the online event at 12pm on Wednesday, 9th September, co-hosted by Historical Abuse Network, Micah Projects and the National Child Protection Week Committee.
And take the pledge and add your organisation’s logo to the hundreds who have signed up in support of the week, as well as downloading and displaying NAPCAN posters with plenty of tips on how to support children’s rights, safety, health and wellbeing.