Every year on 9th September, people around the world come together to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and the importance of reducing alcohol consumption during pregnancy. International FASD Awareness Day gives a voice to those with FASD and their parents and carers and celebrates the strengths of those individuals and families impacted by FASD. Find out more and participate by downloading the FASD Information Pack, which contains details of successful past events held to raise awareness, ideas for how to be more involved this year (even without leaving home!), what FASD is, and more. The FASD Fact sheet provides information on FASD, statistics on the rates of those affected, and links to further resources. The fact sheet shows FASD is highly overrepresentated in youth detention populations, with 36% of those surveyed having a diagnosis. And have a listen to the Pregnancy and Alcohol podcast, with an episode on the most prevalent myths around FASD. NOFASD Australia is also seeking information from parents and carers about the education experiences of children with FASD, which will form part of a submission from NOFASD Australia to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. Share your thoughts here.