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Parentshop – Engaging Adolescents™ for Child and Family Specialists


Parentshop – Engaging Adolescents™ for Child and Family Specialists

A full day online workshop to support child and family specialists empowering adolescents to manage their own teenager behaviour problems and emotional reactions

Parentshop presents Engaging Adolescents™ for Child and Family Specialists (online)

This workshop provides easy-to-use techniques to enlist adolescents to manage their own teenager behaviour problems and emotional reactions. You will learn how to build a relationship with a teenager, help parents to build a relationship with their teenager, and strategies to deal with unacceptable behaviour.

Participants will walk away with a renewed sense of confidence about the role they can play in their teenagers’ lives and how they can assist parents to manage teenagers without conversations morphing into arguments.

The professional training includes role-play, group discussion, worksheets, and videos. This one-day course equips professionals with skills to use in their work with teenagers and their parents as well as the knowledge to teach parents the program over three sessions and/or how to teach the tenets of the program in a few one-to-one clinical sessions should you wish to certify to become an Engaging Adolescents™ parent educator.

View lesson outline for more information.

Date: Thursday, 18th May – 8.30am to 4.30pm

Venue: Online

Cost: $369 per person/ $169 per person for refresher course

Register: Online