Parentshop – Anxiety Coach™ for Child & Family Specialists
A full day workshop for practitioners working with families on approaches to managing anxiety in young children
Parentshop presents Anxiety Coach™ for Child & Family Specialists
The course is based on three underlying perspectives: first, by having an understanding of how anxiety develops, community and family support workers can assist parents to counter its progress in children. Second, community and family support workers can assist parents to take a preventative role in the development of anxiety problems in 4 -12 year-olds. Third, there are practical steps parents can take to develop resilience thinking skills in 4 -12 year-olds. Previously called No Scaredy Cats.
To become a certified parent educator, you’ll be provided with additional resources needed in order to present to parents. This ensures that our product is only being taught at the highest quality. There are several benefits in becoming certified: Certification is renewed each year at $69 for your first year and $49 thereafter. To remain certified, parent educators are required to complete a refresher every five years. Certification for the year is included in the refresher price.
Lesson Framework:
- Coverage of three key foundational concepts which relate to the treatment of childhood anxiety
- The brain, including how the pre-frontal medial cortex and the amygdala operate, and where fear and anxiety originates
- Commonly misused phrases and cognitive distortions used by children and their peers
- A helicopter view of what risks we can allow and which require us to keep children safe
- ‘Traps and trip wires’: what to do when a child’s amygdala starts to play-up
- Memorable strengthening sayings, questioning strategies and mindfulness exercises
Date: Friday, 30th August – 8.30am to 4.30pm
Venue: Webinar
Cost: $380 per person
Register: Online