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Lighthouse Resources – Introduction to The Nurtured Heart Approach®


Lighthouse Resources – Introduction to The Nurtured Heart Approach®

Two-session online workshop suitable for anyone living or working with intense or challenging children or young people

Lighthouse Resources presents Introduction to The Nurtured Heart Approach®

Traditional approaches often fall short of promoting the inner strength essential for young people to build successful relationships. Sometimes, the tools we have do not seem to match the intensity of our children or clients, who can be so defensive and appear to resist the support or treatment we offer.

This webinar will encourage participants to change the way we look at challenging behaviours and increase awareness and understanding of relationships.  Through an introduction to the Nurtured Heart Approach®, the webinar will provide powerful tools to improve not only how children and young people views themselves, but also the world around them, so they can embrace themselves and embrace life.

More than just a behaviour management strategy, the Nurtured Heart Approach® is a philosophy for creating healthy relationships with the people in your life. The Nurtured Heart Approach® embraces intensity within children, young people and adults,   and seeks to utilise that intensity to propel them to even greater heights than they ever thought possible.

This webinar is designed for those who seek to learn the basics of the Nurtured Heart Approach® and is suitable for anyone living or working with intense children or young people.

At the completion of the workshop participants will have:

  • have reviewed the factors that can contribute to challenging behaviours in children
  • have explored why some strategies do not seem to work and at times make the situation worse
  • have been introduced to the fundamentals of the NHA (the ‘stands’ of the Approach)
  • have explored techniques that can be used to energise all children and particularly challenging children and young people and enhance their self-belief and confidence, which we call “inner wealth”
  • have reviewed the importance of clear boundaries and learnt how to implement consequences following Nurtured Heart principles
  • have been introduced to strategies on how to engage with even the most “treatment resistant children/clients”.


Date: Tuesday, 21st and 28th March – 1pm to 4.30pm

Venue: Online

Cost: $220 per person

Register: Online