Respecting diversity through join social action on the third Tuesday of March each year
International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) and Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) present World Social Work Day 2023
World Social Work Day is a celebration that aims to highlight the achievements of social work, to raise the visibility of social services for the future of societies, and to defend social justice and human rights. Every year, World Social Work Day is celebrated the third Tuesday of March, it is a celebration that has become a highpoint in the social work calendar with social workers all over the world celebrating and promoting the contributions of the profession to individuals, families, communities and wider society.
Find out more and get involved by attending one of many events across the nation and online hosted by AASW:
Respecting Diversity Through Joint Social Action featuring
National President Vittorio Cintio
Online webinar
Respecting Diversity Through Joint Social Action with special guest Ren Slade
Online webinar (hosted by Victorian Branch)
World Social Work Day Panel Discussion
Lismore, NSW and Online (Hybrid)
World Social Work Day networking event with special guest Cathy Hale
Bathurst, NSW
Panel Discussion on the History of Social Work, Activism and Social Work, LGBTQI and Social Work
Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Professor Sue Green Discussion ‘Respecting Diversity through Joint Social Action’
Canberra, ACT
Social Workers in Disability Celebrating World Social Work Day
Online webinar (Hosted by WA Branch)
World Social Work Day Celebration Breakfast
East Perth, WA
World Social Work Day Pizza Night
Sydney, NSW
Respecting Diversity Through Joint Social Action with speaker Melissa Hedger
Shoalhaven, NSW