The Family Matters campaign community resource guides contain information on the child protection intervention process specific to each state and territory and are a practical aspect of the Family Matters campaign’s aim to empower families to understand and effectively engage with the child protection system. The guides are written for all families but with a particular focus on the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children who are subject to child protection intervention. The Family Matters Report 2019 shows that Queensland is the only jurisdiction to legislatively incorporate the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle (ATSICPP) and require Independent Entities to facilitate family participation, and has a continued implementation of generational strategy to eliminate over-representation. The Queensland community resource guide includes information on issues with the child protection system and recommendations for solutions, what actions families and communities can take to support positive change, pathways through the system, frequently asked questions, and contact lists. The latest updated guides will be available in May 2020.