In the Read
Kids Helpline insights – report released
Kids Helpline Australia has published the report Kids Helpline Insights 2016 providing an overview of the type of support sought from young people…
Improving service responses for refugee communities – report released
The recently released report Refugee Communities Intercultural Dialogue: Building Relationships, Building Communities aims to understand how services could better support refugee parents to…
Release of reports into youth detention in Queensland
The Queensland Government has released the report of the Independent review of youth detention. It contains 83 recommendations following an…
Extending leaving care age to 21 – modelling and findings
Anglicare Victoria recently commissioned the report Raising our children: Guiding young Victorians into adulthood which considered the socioeconomic benefits of raising…
Practitioner resource for involving children in developing child-safe organisations
The Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) has published the practitioner resource Protection through participation: Involving children in child-safe organisations. The…
Hospitalised assault injuries among women and girls factsheet published
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has published a fact sheet on hospitalised assault injuries among women and…
Youth mental health report released
Mission Australia and Black Dog Institute have released the Youth Mental Health Report Youth Survey 2012 – 2016 representing five years…
Report on specialist domestic and family violence services for Aboriginal women
Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) has published a research report, Women’s specialist domestic and family violence services: Their…
Queensland Family and Child Commission releases information kit for young people
The Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) has released Finding out about child protection in Queensland – a new information…